Supporters & Donations

Your support will help sustain our vital work in continuing to be an impartial independent body
improving the connection & conversation between the media and faith in Britain

Support Us

Become a supporter of the Religion Media Centre to help us with our unique work. In exchange for a small regular payment, we will invite you to an annual event where you will have the opportunity to meet our key journalists and contributors, and hear about and discuss our plans for the future. 

To become a supporter of the RMC, please subscribe using the button below and select “Make this a monthly donation”. We suggest £5 or £10 a month, but larger donations and volunteer time are always welcome.


If subscriptions aren’t for you, we also accept individual donations using the button below: 

You can also pay by cheque if you wish – contact us for more information.

Did you know?

Your donation will directly support our:


If you wish, you can also remember us in your will by pledging a gift, no matter the size. We advise first to be in touch with a lawyer or professional will writer to ensure your wishes are met. You will need our name, address and charity number 1169562. If you have any queries about this, please contact us.